Welcome to Permablitz Melbourne!

Grapes on a trellis


Summer and grapes go together like hot weather and a chilled glass of wine, for those who like a tipple, or frozen grapes for the kids (and even us ‘big’ kids). Learn why grapes are so great for the garden.

Rental Permaculture: Spring Edition

Permaculture can be incorporated into your life even if you live in a suburban rental property. Understanding your local weather calendars is integral to gardening success in Australia, as you’ll quickly realise things don’t go to plan if you try following traditional European planting schedules. The beginning of September sees the start of True Spring, where the weather is warm, wet and windy, and we have a massive explosion of flowers, new growth and insects. In European calendars, this is when you’d start planting your seeds, but in Victoria, it’s when you can consider putting your first seedlings in the ground, and planning your second round of succession crops.

Permablitz and COVID-19: update

Due to the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19, Permablitz has sadly had to postpone blitzes until restrictions are eased, which currently looks like being around the end of this year. We want to make sure that we do all we can to take care of the health of our hosts, designers, volunteers as well as their families and friends – this means we cannot put anyone in a position where they may find themselves at risk as part of one of our activities.

Autumn planting guide

During autumn the days will become shorter and temperatures cooler. Plant around the autumn equinox for a winter harvest, but there are a variety of short term vegetables that can be harvested after just 4 weeks!

Permablitz and COVID-19

Permablitz wants to make sure that we do all we can to take care of our volunteers and hosts, and this means we cannot put them in a position where they may find themselves at risk as part of one of our activities.

Permablitz #220 – Ferntree Gully

“The success of the garden should not always be measured by how much food we grow, or the number of volunteers we have at working bees, but rather how people feel when they visit our garden. It’s about community, big or small, coming together to learn, share and build friendships.”

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