Grow Great Citrus Workshop – Free Event
Date(s) - September 8, 2019
Time - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
This is a third-party event not organised by Permablitz. We've added it because we reckon it looks pretty good!
Do you want an abundant citrus crop at home?
Whether you are getting started or you want to know how to care for and maintain your fruit trees, Duncan Cocking from Leaf Root & Fruit will share his knowledge and research with us at the Food Forest (Winton Road, Ashburton – opposite Pitt Street).
Find out about optimal growing conditions for citrus and how to care for them. Understand how to fertilise and prune for optimum yield as well as pest & disease management. Learn about citrus gall wasp and how to manage the impact on your citrus trees at home.
Kids get to plant a Mini Herb-Garden in a recycled pot to take home.
Home-made scones and marmalade and hot drinks, as well as dips and bread, will be served.
If you would like to attend please register here:
This project is organised by the the Craig Family Centre, volunteers from the Food Forest Ashburton Group and is supported by grant funding from the City of Boroondara.
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0420 961 695 (Petra)