Permabee in Upwey 2015
Slightly different format but nonetheless a terrific day at the Permabee in Upwey. Check out the original blitz here.
This is what got done thanks to all the busy Blitzers:
- Filled up 5 1/2 cubic metres of wicking bed, put in worm farms and planted out tasty things. When they’re up and running nicely, they will take all our kitchen scraps and provide a good portion of our fresh vegies. And the pumpkins climbing up the rope trellis will shade the house in Summer.
- Spread 5 cubic metres of compost and 12 bales of straw, and sowed lots of green manure. The green manure will help to build good soil, to grow perennial chicken forage, which they will help themselves to. And the lucerne sown around the patio will improve the soil and provide a cover crop for the espaliers which will eventually go in there.
- Planted 4 trays of companion flowers – coneflowers for bees; lupins for bees and nitrogen fixing; alyssum for lots of good bugs. These will be planted out in Spring.
- Fenced off part of the new chicken run.
- Strung up some arty snowpea supports
- Made a good start on the trellis for the kiwis and kiwiberries on the back verandah
- Munched our way through 8 litres of curry, 6 litres of soup, 2 loaves of bread, 8 cakes, 27 cookies and one nice big green leaf.
After everybody left, the host Tom planted out some more seedlings around the back, and then sprayed everything with possum spray – garlic and chilli and fish emulsion in water. It’s worked so far. Clearly possums don’t like Thai!