Blitzing on the cheap

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3 Responses

  1. Bron says:

    MulchNet is a WA company which offers free mulch and paid loads. I have received a load and waited 6 months for it on the east coast. It’s a sharing kind of system, not a just take and run. So spread the word with anyone who is in the horticultural / Landscape industry in the east after you or before you get a load. My next load is being paid for as a reciprocal gesture. It is very cheap.

  2. E. says:

    horse poo: barwise st, north melbourne collect bw from 11-12am fri and sat. its free, byo bags/containers/vessels, they have a shovel
    I would let it sit and rest for a bit before you use it!

  3. Alison Sizer says:

    That is a great list of low cost inputs. The big job is preparing the ground. Planting out can be a longer process as you purchase on the cheap… bare rooted trees are much cheaper. We just picked some up from Bulleen.

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