Category: Articles

We want to know about your soil!

You know when you get some really good soil? And you want to tell the world about it? We want you to share your soil stories with us – so we can shout them loud and proud with everyone!

Working with a Farmlette

A farmlette is a prior lawn that is converted into a food-producing plot at least 500 square feet in size, consisting of row crops grown directly in the ground.

Fair Food – a documentary for the times

Last week we teamed up with Permaculture Victoria to present the Fair Food documentary. The documentary reminds us that we all have choices. Choices about who we are, what we eat, the food we grow,...

Eating fresh with the Gung-Hoe Growers!

We recently met Mel and Sas, two energetic and passionate young women who have recently started a small organic market garden business in Harcourt, just outside of Castlemaine. They’ve started small and between them are currently...

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