Author: Adam Grubb


When we come together to blitz we can achieve so much collectively.  I like to think of it as a bit like of those children’s TV shows where little super heroes fuse together to...

Bellingen Rocks the Blitzes!

Bellingen Rocks the Blitzes!

Joe Walker from Bellingen writes: Nell Haydon hosted Bellingen’s (Mid North Coast NSW) permablitz #2 on Sunday 30th August. Nell has been teaching a weekly vegetarian cooking class for facilitators and eco-team members of...

before and after

Mulched Earth Policy

What is the collective noun for permablitzes?  A plethora, a shindig, a spree, a litter?  We better invent one fast, for there has been an embarrasment of interstate and international permablitzes since we last...

ACT’s first blitz!

ACT’s first blitz!

Sunday, 26 July, 10:00am-4:00pm Help Riccardo and Sharyn create a food forest in their front yard! Lots to do and learn: Plant fruit trees, veggies, herbs, blue berries and bushfoods, learn about espaliering fruit...

before and after

New website

Welcome to the new look Permablitz Melbourne website.  It’s not just a new look, it’s got a bit of new content too.  We’ve got an extended list of regional permablitz groups, we’ve rejigged the...

Urban Design Patterns in Melbourne

There have been almost 70 permablitzes in and around Melbourne, and many of us have been performing permaculture designs professionally too in parallel.   So what are some of the common good ideas and recurring...

Terraforming Planet Earth

Heard of ‘terraforming‘? That’s the technical term for taking inhospitable planets and changing the atmosphere and introducing life to make them habitable to humans. Kind of a sci-fi thing at this stage. And since...

Pecking at a Statistics book.

Doing the Maths of Blitz

You’ve heard of the Win-Win.  Well how about the WIN to the power of WIN times WIN, fried in a wholesome batter of extra WIN. When you’re blitzing you’re learning by doing, while getting ideas...