Author: Adam Grubb

The Beret and the Garden Fork

The Beret and the Garden Fork

Welcome to a permablitz newsletter with courses, news on water restrictions, heroic tales and photos from past blitzes, more investment advice for troubled times and some profound prognostications on the nature of art and the art of gardening, starting with a relevant quote from an historically significant personality. Mmm… Intellectually enriching.

Vegetable News Alert: Ugly is the New Pretty

Welcome to another permablitz newsletter with a thick cream dollop of upcoming courses and blitzes, plus some wow-you-out-of-your-seat post-blitz photos, getting intimate with arthropods, a horticultural challenge to the US president-elect, and much more,...

What Food Should I Grow? Ask an Astronaut

What Food Should I Grow? Ask an Astronaut

Take off your shoes and slip your toes on into the info-chop-suey of this latest permablitz newsletter.  We’ve got gardening advice from outer space, we’ve got mercenary microbes, we’ve got organics — macho style,...

Gardens: The Real Growth Economy

Gardens: The Real Growth Economy

Ok, time to get ecological.  In ecological terms the only real ‘primary producers’ are photosynthetic organisms — plants and algae.  Ultimately our whole economy is powered by photosynthesis and the ancient sunlight captured by...

Save the Vegie Patch

Save the Vegie Patch

Rejoice! For this permablitz newsletter is so pressurised with good news be careful how you open it lest you be left with optimistic grin splashed all over your face. Did you know home grown...

Get on the frontline. Of love.

Get on the frontline. Of love.

The latest permablitz newsletter in which we’ve got the usual upcoming blitzes, courses and events, plus a report back from the if-we-may-say-so historical permablitz #50, “permablitz on the frontline” with David Holmgren, and a tasty and convenient...

David Holmgren: Thoughts on the eve of the 50th Permablitz

We’re honoured to have the following thoughts on permablitz from David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept. The political and environmental activism of the 1960’s & early 70’s focused on resisting injustice, environmental destruction...

Permablitz Five-O

Permablitz Five-O

In this newsletter, we’ve got the details on the big blitz five-O, we’ve got a plethora of courses to announce, we’ve got a former AFL star turned minister for something at a recent permablitz,...

Are you ready for this jelly?

Are you ready for this jelly?

We’ve got upcoming blitzes, we’ve got blitz reports, desert oasis permaculture, and we’ve got fascinating tidbits of dubious relevance, all in another exciting edition of the permablitz newsletter… When I was at school, those...