Permablitz #45 – West Preston
Despite the gentle rain, at least 40 people turned up right from the beginning at Alastair and Susie’s front yard with many more coming through over the day. Too many people and oh dear...
Despite the gentle rain, at least 40 people turned up right from the beginning at Alastair and Susie’s front yard with many more coming through over the day. Too many people and oh dear...
The latest crunchy and nutritious permablitz newsletter. Have you ever tried smiling to make yourself feel happier? It may take a while, but once you force your cramping and convulsing cheeks through the pain...
Latest permablitz newsletter. Get em in your mailbox… sign up on the right column just down there. ~~~~~ Have you heard of the humble soil microbe Mycobacterium vaccae? It was first found by scientists...
[The course is now booked out, we'll announce another one soon :)]
The latest of the irregular permablitz melbourne newsletters with many tasty infonuggets.
Here's our most recent newsletter and an example of what you'll get on a roughly fortnightly basis if you sign up to our mailing list (which you can do on the right column of the website).
Several of us blitzers are currently in Sydney for APC9, the 9th Australian Permaculture Convergence. We gave a well received talk today and have been inspired by brilliant stories from many of the permaculture...
[UPDATE 2/2/2008: The Feb 23-24 course is now fully booked. Sorry to those that who missed out. We're running another one March 29-30, however, so stay tuned. 🙂 ]
Adam has now found a wonderful house were he can work at developing a permaculture garden in return for rent.
A great article by Michael Green about permablitzes was picked up by the Fairfax press this week (The Age, SMH and Brisbane Times). And lots of enquiries about permablitzes have been hitting the inbox!
Get involved
All blitzes are still in planning stages - make sure you're on our mailing list to be notified of all Blitz announcements.
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