Author: Adrian O'Hagan

Permablitz and COVID-19

Permablitz wants to make sure that we do all we can to take care of our volunteers and hosts, and this means we cannot put them in a position where they may find themselves at risk as part of one of our activities.


Chives are an easy to grow perennial herb, and are well known for adding an onion or garlic flavour to omelettes, salads, soups and sauces.

Join us to revisit a permablitzed garden!

Right now, if we were to follow the seasonal cycles of the Gariwerd people, we would find ourselves in the middle of Petyan, which is the season of wildlife and wildflowers. It’s when the days are warmer, although the weather can be tempestuous, and the bush bursts into life.


Azolla Pinnata, Red Azolla, Water Fern, Duckweed or whatever you want to call it is a fern-like native that has been eaten by Aborigines of Australia for millenia, and is only now finding popularity...