Want to take part in the Permablitz Collective?
Permablitz has decided to beef up our organisational hub and is actively seeking out fresh members to help us in our mission to convert gardens into edible oases!
Permablitz has decided to beef up our organisational hub and is actively seeking out fresh members to help us in our mission to convert gardens into edible oases!
Having had a weekend that started off really hot, then a little bit stormy, then kinda cool – one could be forgiven for thinking that the weather is just a little bit crazy right...
A perfect day in late spring – turning a clean slate yard into a garden filled with natives and fruit trees… and a borrowing library!
The last month or so has been very busy for we Permablitz types – the garden is bursting with new growth, and all around us the signs of spring continue to bring smiles to...
Spring is now in full swing, and we reckon the best part of the year is now upon us – spring planting time! The risk of frost is pretty much over now, daylight savings...
Now that the winter chill is just about over, it’s time for Spring proper to warm our souls as we get ready for another season of growth and invigoration!
There are some really cool community-based projects all over Victoria hoping to get funding, and they need your votes. Check out a small sample of what’s being considered!
We’ve been having a blitzin’ good time transforming gardens throughout the suburbs over the past few months, and now that Deep Winter has passed, the worst of the cold is over and we’re getting...
Have you ever thought that you were possibly the worst gardener ever? If you haven’t ever tried to grow food for yourself then the humble radish is about to be your new best friend.
The month of May was a busy one for we blitzin’ types… No fewer than four permablitzes were had – one in Rosanna, two in Flemington and yesterday in Crib Point. A big thanks...