Here’s some local groups who are permablitzing. If there’s no group in your areas and you’d like to start a one, check out our guide. If your group is not listed below, or the details are incorrect, let us know!
Permablitz Geelong
Contact: Monica Winston on (03) 5241 7086
Blitzin' the border
Just starting, but starting with a bang! Check out their first meeting with none other than Costa Georgiadis
New South Wales
Permablitz Sydney
These guys also have an active Facebook Group community – check it out!
Blue Mountains Permablitz
Permablitz Bellingen
Permablitz Woolloongong
Goodlife Community Co-operative
Goodlife Community Co-operative is a ‘not-for-profit’ grassroots community development and environmental organisation supporting people, animals and the Earth.
They have also recently launched the ‘Blitzin’ the Border’ project for members of the Co-op.
South Australia
Western Australia
Mullumbimby (part of the Permaforest Trust)