Designer: Hermann Paulenz

All About Hermann

What led you to permaculture?

A presentation in my university was the first time I’ve heard of it. I
read a bit about it and then ended up in Australia studying with David
Holmgren and others.

Where and when did you do your PDC?

I did my PDC in 2013 with the wonderful Rick and Naomi Coleman at
Southern Cross Permaculture.

What five words would you use to describe your design process?

Observe, Analyze, Play, Adjust, Adapt

What is the trickiest part of the design process for you?

For me the trickiest part comes after you have done the concept and all
your ideas are on the table, that’s when the real fun begins and you
start shuffling them around to see what fits together well and adjust to
the host/client’s expectations and habits. Habits are really important
to take into consideration.

What is your dream permaculture project?

My dream permaculture project would involve building. Too often we focus
on the garden and people come to permaculture as a seemingly low-effort
gardening approach. I think everything hinges on the management and
permaculture is no different. We just have to make sure that the
surrounds where the work occurs are as pleasant and diverse as possible.
To have a retreat from the hot ‘workplace’ a cool and efficient building
made from natural materials is my next dream project.

What has been your biggest permaculture success?

Everybody is on their own journey of growth. The learning curve has been really steep for me after I first heard about permaculture in 2010. I still have heaps to learn and am enjoying every bit of it. It is great to see how my housemates are conquering the garden and taking over responsibility inspired through my experiments in permaculture. The satisfied look on
their faces after a day out in the garden reminds me of when I started and I am excited to watch their growth.

What would you like to see more of in Permablitz designs?

I would like to see more hugelkultur beds as they are excellent ways of recycling prunings and spare soil that somehow always shows up on Blitzes.

Check out Hermann's blitzes!

Seed dating Permabee

Lovely hosts, lovely Blitzers and lovely weather. Put them together and everything was now in place for the first ever seed dating Permabee!

Permablitz #177 Surrey Hills

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Permablitz #171 in Kew

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Permablitz 157 in Northcote

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Blitz 146 in North Carlton

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