Designer: Seila

Seed dating Permabee

Lovely hosts, lovely Blitzers and lovely weather. Put them together and everything was now in place for the first ever seed dating Permabee!

Permablitz #177 Surrey Hills

The weather was perfect on this January Sunday afternoon in Surrey Hills, cloudy and not too hot. We joined Melissa and her small family to transform her garden into a place that she always...

Blitz 143 in Burwood

A cold windy wintery day was not enough to dampen the spirits of the crowd of volunteers that turned up for this blitz in Burwood! Pre blitz, the design team assembled the first 6...

Blitz 110 in Elwood

Seila and Keith designed and facilitated a great blitz in Elwood at Jane and Claes’s house on the weekend. Jane writes: “I am still shocked and emotional at the people and their efforts to...

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