Holistic Management Decision Making Workshop
Date(s) - August 12, 2017 - August 13, 2017
Time - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
This is a third-party event not organised by Permablitz. We've added it because we reckon it looks pretty good!
Location: Somewhere around Castlemaine.
Facilitators: Dan Palmer & James Andrews
Cost: $320 ($280 earlybird before June 30th). Discount for VEG PDC holders (if you get in touch for secret code!).
This workshop is not a sit back and soak it up affair. It involves exploring and articulating what matters most in the various aspects of your life (personal, business etc). By coming prepared to engage and share, you will improve your focus and clarity of purpose as well as learn how to steer directly into the space you most deeply want to be in, and stay there.
This workshop will cover:
- The entire approach clearly explained using examples from the facilitators lives, games and practical exercises.
- Creating a context for yourself, your family or an organisation/business you are part of that captures deepest values, mission and desires along with what must be done and nurtured to achieve them.
- Using that context to filter decisions and take actions based on their relevance to this context.
- Seeking and using feedback to actualise, maintain, and evolve your context.

Holistic decision making is something James & Dan find invaluable and integral in their personal and family life, and also their work as permaculture designers and educators.
“Life changing … you won’t be disappointed” ~ Fiona
“The holistic management system is probably the most useful tool I have ever been given which I have used mostly for personal/ family blossoming and could use in so many more ways” ~ Amandine
You can get a feel for this approach here.
More info and register here:
*Please note this event was originally scheduled to be located at CERES – it will now be in picturesque Caslemaine!