Guest writer Pete the Permie shares all the tricks to grow avocados in your garden area, with tips to give you the greatest chance of success.
Guest writer Pete the Permie shares all the tricks to grow avocados in your garden area, with tips to give you the greatest chance of success.
Tis the season for colds and flu so what better way to make it through than chewing down on what you grew: garlic!
Onions are a simple to grow garden crop, and are used in a multitude of dishes worldwide. Some prime ministers have even been known to eat them raw!
This is the zucchini with outstanding flavour that doesn’t get too big too soon. Be sure to train the quick growing vines up a trellis so it hangs straight or you’ll have lots of long and curlies!
Midyim berries are one of Australia’s tastiest bush tucker foods, with a sweet and tangy flavour that has a delightfully subtle hint of spice.
Parsley is a must have in any self-respecting home garden, with culinary and medicinal uses that have been celebrated for centuries.
Nasturtium is a ridiculously easy-to-grow plant whose leaves, flowers and seeds are all edible! They also look good in the garden, repel aphids and perform a host of companion planting duties. We love ’em!
Packing protein and a choice selection of vitamins and minerals, these greens are a ready addition to your garden and your gullet.
The amazing avocado – delicious, nutrient dense and the source of last year’s millenials-vs-millionaire great smashed avo/mortgage debate. Still, what could be better than having a ready source of avos in your backyard?
Nettle has a bad rap for its stinging nature, but is an incredibly under-appreciated source of vitamins and good health.