Course a success and vote of support from Geoff Lawton
Latest news here at Permablitz is that in addition to a whole stack of blitzes in the pipeline with designs being laid down as we speak, the first Permablitz Introduction to Permaculture went great with about 14 lovely participants – are a few photos from the weekend in our gallery here . Meanwhile, Geoff Lawton, founding director of the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia and one of the most accomplished permaculture designers in the world, has been in touch to say:
"The kind of work that "Permablitz" is doing is exactly what is needed to redesign, re-pattern and reshape our present human settlements, which are so unsustainable and insecure, into the permanent culturally classic habitat of humankind's potentially abundant future" (Geoff Lawton, September 29 2007).