Blitz 135 in Northcote
It was a gorgeous day. The sun kindly poked its head out just in time for the first blitzers to arrive – some new faces, and others who met at previous blitzes. In a circle of blitz karma, the host of one of my very first permablitzes turned up at my own!
[Update 7-Nov-12: Check out the timelapse video!]
As always, it was incredible how quickly the yard miraculously transformed from a mass of weeds into curvaceous beds, which were mulched and planted with a range of seedlings – some of which we raised ourselves, some purchased from a local festival, and many kindly donated by those who came. Two of our awesome designers, Dylan and Jo, led a series of workshops on how to build a planter made of recycled wood from pallets, vertical pallet gardening, and making a worm farm. There was such a great vibe among all present – for most of whom this was their first blitz – and I think we all learned a lot with, and from, each other. (This is the best part of a Permablitz!)
Thank you so much to everyone who came, or offered support in one way or another. It’s really amazing what we achieved together in such a short time. See you at another blitz, somewhere, somehow!