Timelapse from Blitz #115
Special thanks to everyone that came! And to Tim Metherall for filming the timelapse. In the background you’ll see a fox-proof chicken coop and “strawyard” being constructed, with lawn cleared and veggie beds prepared in the foreground.
Also big thanks to The Sharehood who donated plants. Everyone who came could take a free veggie seedling home, the only catch was you had to take two, and give one to a neighbour and tell them about The Sharehood. The Sharehood “aims to build joyful, sustainable and resilient communities by encouraging people to get to know their neighbours and share with them.” There’s an online tool and services trading network. Learn more at www.thesharehood.org.
The hosts of this blitz included Asha Bee, who was at Permablitz #1 back in 2006 and is part of the Melbourne Permablitz Collective and writes our regular newsletters. They write:
Having been in and around Permablitz Melbourne in from it’s early days it’s easy to take it for granted that a bunch of strangers would come to someone’s house and spend all day doing manual labour just for the love of it (…and for all the perma-learnings through the workshops and the opportunity to be blitzed in the future, yes) but being on the other side of a permablitz again – having wise friends help design the garden, chook run and strawyard, and then having a bunch of strangers-to-be-friends convert our field of lawn into all that in one day – it’s great to be reminded of how special the Permablitz concept is. Three cheers for Permablitz and thirty cheers for everyone who was involved in our blitz!!
— Asha, Ellie and Laura