Permablitz #214 – Lalor
A perfect day in late spring – turning a clean slate yard into a garden filled with natives and fruit trees… and a borrowing library!
A perfect day in late spring – turning a clean slate yard into a garden filled with natives and fruit trees… and a borrowing library!
Last time we were here, we built a great many things, including an African keyhole bed, but sadly didn’t get time to finish everything on the list. So now we’re back to finish what...
First-time blitzer Pooja shares her experiences of getting down and dirty with a dozen or so other eager volunteers on a sunny day in Thornbury!
What a great day for this Permablitz on 24th october 2015! The weather was warm; the Hurstbridge learning co-op is in a beautiful bush location and has many works of art dotted around the...
As I drove out of the city towards the omnipresent misty Dandenongs last Sunday, I couldn’t help but have the feeling that this was not going to be a run of the mill garden...
Well, going by yard-size it certainly wasn’t the biggest Permablitz, but people-wise it certainly was. It was incredibly energising to see so many people keen to learn about permaculture and share their time to help us make...
Sunbury Permablitz no. 23 was a great day with much achieved. We began with an informative talk about the plans for the day, then got to it. We achieved: Digging a pond at the...