Permablitz #218 – Belgrave
On a crisp Sunday morning, over 40 guests descend upon Jessica’s place in the Dandenongs with permablitzing on their minds!
On a crisp Sunday morning, over 40 guests descend upon Jessica’s place in the Dandenongs with permablitzing on their minds!
18 months in the making, and a complete transformation in one afternoon. Kirri and Phi are absolutely thrilled with their blitz!
Two years after the original blitz Lenka and Fergus now happily enjoy their light, productive and rather appealing backyard
It was a fine Spring day that saw almost thirty people arrive in Belgrave Heights to help Kate and Tina get their permaculture garden under way…
It was a day that featured rain, hail, showers and sunshine – as well as lots of smiles, laughter and enjoyment from the 35 or so blitzers that joined us to transform this Upwey garden.
On a cold and rainy day, a dedicated team of blitzers set about converting a narrow but roomy inner-north backyard into a perma-productive garden.
Permablitz has long supported kinders and preschools, and on a lovely Saturday volunteers and parents alike completed the transformation of Dame Nellie Melba kinder into a sustainability wonderland.
Jess and Matt lead the team, setting up two wicking beds, installing some fence posts and planting some fruit trees, as well as building the keyhole raised beds in the front yard. Awesome work!
On a day that had forecast heavy rains, the sun shined over Jeremy and Bianca’s home in Hampton Park, ready for a day of transformative action!
With the help of Pooja, Natacha, Den and three of Mei’s own children, trenches were dug from the tap point to each garden bed and 13mm polypipe set down, ready for the weeper hoses.