Ashburton 18 months later
A great design has ensured that this garden will serve Alex and Nicole well into the future, and the garden is already providing not only food but play spaces too!
A great design has ensured that this garden will serve Alex and Nicole well into the future, and the garden is already providing not only food but play spaces too!
Three years after their permablitz, Michelle and Chris now have all the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and other veggies they could want. And with the herbs beds, there is generally enough seasonal produce for the whole family!
Six years after his front garden Permablitz and about five years after the back garden blitz, Damian now needs a machete to get through the foliage to harvest the abundance of veggies and fruit!
The permablitz has enabled us to grow lots of veggies, keep chooks and have an aesthetically pleasing garden much sooner than would have been the case had we been working on it alone. We’d recommend having a permablitz to others without hesitation.
How long does the enthusiasm last? Judging by Renée and Antony’s garden, it simply blends into your life. After their December 2012 permablitz, this garden has continued to shine
In September 2012 thirty or so volunteers descended upon Leah’s back yard and transformed it based on her own design, so we were keen to find out what worked and what didn’t. So on...
Helen visited Tom and Aish to see what their permablitz garden looked like 18 months on. What she found was an edible oasis, with seasonal vegetables everywhere!