TED talks permaculture
Check out Permablitz Hawaii organiser and Southern Cross Permaculture Institute (in Leongatha) alumni Matthew Lynch on giving a talk about his inspiring work, at the event TEDxHonulu. And while you’re at it, don’t...
Check out Permablitz Hawaii organiser and Southern Cross Permaculture Institute (in Leongatha) alumni Matthew Lynch on giving a talk about his inspiring work, at the event TEDxHonulu. And while you’re at it, don’t...
Check it out! New group and here’s a video of their first blitz: More info: permablitzhawaii.com
What a nice video! This was a slightly unusual blitz as Adam and Simon from Very Edible Gardens were bought in to design and facilitate the day for the City of Whitehorse’s Sustainability Week....
We hope you can make it to a preview screening of Anima Mundi, a new documentary which features a permablitz in Melbourne, along side some big names in the sustainability movement. It’s on Friday, 24...
Here’s a great little video of a permablitz up in Boambee, NSW
Kill Bill star Daryl Hannah is planning to complete her Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) at in early September and then she’ll join Permaculture co-founder Bill Mollison, TV’s Costa, former Governor General Michael Jeffery, and...
In late 2009 Plug In TV went along to a Permablitz in a inner city Melbourne backyard to learn about permaculture. Part 1: Part 2: